Sports Maintenance Machinery in Whitwood

Sports Maintenance Machinery in Whitwood

We use a variety of different types of machinery to carry out sports pitch maintenance through processes such as drag brushing and rejuvenation.

Pitch Maintenance Equipment in Whitwood

Pitch Maintenance Equipment in Whitwood

Equipment and machinery for sports pitch maintenance often includes drag brushes, tractors and quad bikes for a range of services.

Professional Tools and Equipment in Whitwood

Professional Tools and Equipment in Whitwood

You may need to use specialist machines and tools when maintaining your court as this can help you get the greatest results possible.

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Supply Specialist Sports Maintenance Machinery in Whitwood

Here at Supply Specialist Sports Maintenance Machinery, we use a variety of different types of machinery to carry out sports pitch maintenance through processes such as drag brushing and rejuvenation. If you would like more expert advice on the supply of specialist sports maintenance machinery in Whitwood, our friendly and experienced team are here to help.

If you are looking to supply specialist sports maintenance machinery in Whitwood WF10 5 then you have come to the right place! Many people ask “Is the maintenance of artificial pitch surfaces necessary? and “Do I need to maintain my new artificial sport surface pitch?” The simple answer is Yes. A Pro-active cleaning program is the best way to keep your ATP offering maximum performance as well as looking after and extending the life expectancy of a man-made surface.

Enlisting the services of a specialist contractor is a significant investment, but the use of external specialist and the frequency of these visits will vary depending on the usage of the pitches itself. Most facilities have an existing cleaning team and basic ground equipment already available to them, and in these circumstances, it's a very viable proposition to complete as much of routine services in-house. When it comes to servicing equipment you do not need to look any further!

best prices guaranteed


To find out more information regarding maintenance machinery in Whitwood WF10 5 speak to our professionals today. We are happy to provide you with all the details you require in order to get the best results possible. Simply fill out the enquiry form provided and we will get back to you as soon as 

What Maintenance is needed on an Artificial Sports Pitch?

The main maintenance which is needed on an artificial sports pitch includes:

  • Drag Brushing
  • Debris Removal
  • Moss Algae Treatment

Our carefully selected machines could be used behind your existing Prime Mover, small tractor or similar compact powered unit. This specialist equipment should be purchased as soon as the synthetic surface becomes operational, as pitch grooming brush machinery and equipment should be present and usable from this time.

We even offer a self-powered Brush-pro machine for those facilities who need or demand a dedicated prime mover for the job. For small areas of damage, we can even offer artificial grass repair kits so you can take care of an issue yourself.

Professional Servicing Contractors Near Me in Whitwood

The machines used in order that an in-house program can be achieved, which will keep your synthetic turf pitches in Whitwood WF10 5 in tip-top condition by drag brushing redistributing infill so that it does not become uneven. It's very important to ensure that you choose the right specialist machinery and that it is purpose build for the task as failure of this could invalidate your warranty and lead to costly and avoidable repair costs.

Please make sure you contact us if you have any questions with regards to different types of maintenance machinery and the costs for each one.

Routine schedules help the upkeep and safety of sports cleaning equipment along with the fibres moving which is important in ensuring the pile does not become flattened or overexposed due to insufficient infill levels which will lead to premature wear of the fibres. 2G 3G 4G 5G rubber crumb infill need regular drag brushing typically every 8-10 hours of use to ensure playing characteristics are maintained for Football, Soccer, Rugby and are a vital part of routine cleans for your all-weather pitches (AWP) or synthetic turf pitch (STP) closest to you.

We also offer drag matting services for synthetic pitches. To learn more about drag matting please click here The reason it is necessary to brush the court surfacing or use a drag mat on a regular basis is to stand the fibres up and re distribute infill around the fibres which give them support. Regular brushing also prevents compaction and helps resist the growth of vegetation and moss taking hold.

Artificial Grass Maintenance Machines 

When it comes to maintaining your artificial grass in Whitwood WF10 5 it is important that you use specialist equipment and professionals in order to get the best results. Whether you need to drag brushing machines or moss and algae treatment, we can provide you with all the right tools to get the finish you need. Our experts are on hand to carry out the maintenance throughout the whole stage of construction which can help extend the life span of a surface.

Speak to us today if you are interested in finding out more information and details regarding what we can offer you. Just fill out the enquiry form provided and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Supplying Sports Pitch Maintenance Plant Equipment

When it comes to supply specialist sports maintenance machinery in your surrounding area we come second to none. As with most things in life a balanced approach is generally regarded as the most efficient cleaning option for your nearby MUGA synthetic turf field ATP AWP and one which combines both in-house and professional restoration visits.

We offer a range of professional cleaning packages which can also be tailored to your specific local school college university leisure or training facilities requirements. Professional visits use specialist equipment which reconditions and decompact the infill levels, by deep cleaning which lifts filters and relays the infill. This reuses existing After regular brushing of the synthetic the second most important routine servicing requirement is Debris Removal.

“How do I remove bottle tops and leaves from my sports field?” We offer a simple to use towable Sweeper unit which has been specifically built for this task and its brushes lift and remove any debris from the synthetic turf surface and return infill back down onto the surface. This SS1000 sweeper unit can be towed behind and prime mover power unit or small tractor or Brush-Pro unit.

Regular servicing is always advised with synthetic pitches, however, if the surface is not looked after we can provide sports facility resurfacing in Whitwood. To find out more about a full resurface please click here This could include an upgrade to a new type of surface or simply replacing the existing carpet if it has become worn out.

Other Equipment We Offer

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Plan your pitch cleaning NOW with our supply of servicing machinery! your pitch surface needs it. Don’t let your new facility deteriorate and fall into a Reactive maintenance situation.

Pro-active servicing will result in optimum playing and pitch performance, but should you have an existing facility which has suffered the neglect of routine cleaning, then please contact us as we have a variety of refurbishment treatments which range from Deep cleaning, decompaction Rejuvenation, recycled Rejuvenation all which help restore safety and performance to the existing old synthetic turf sport surface. Some treatments renovate, by replacement of the infill which uplifts removes and disposes of, restoring to almost as new playing characteristics.

Other Equipment We Offer


Rejuvenation is the best way of removing contaminated infill, which might be identified by dirty, muddy dusty areas or by - 

  • Poor drainage
  • Holding water
  • Puddling
  • Flooding
  • Waterlogged

Where facilities are beyond restoration though, the upgrade of synthetic can be considered which normally results in renewal and resurfacing by rip up, rolling and replacing the existing synthetic.

Contact us today to discuss our supply specialist sports maintenance machinery in Whitwood WF10 5 can do for you!

Covering WF10 5



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